Rishikesh Yog Peeth - Yoga Teacher Training School India
12 years ago
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The first time that Roshan, our yogi, told us that life can be so great that you feel as high without any chemical at all, I snorted and giggled under my breath. I thought sure, you are selling some magic fooey, you have never been high, but it's all in the package of the India Yogic idea, so I'll just put it in my mind as a possibility that I may one day acheive. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would happen in this blessed place. I am so high on life right now I cannot even put it into words. And I am truly feeling grateful, happy, and I'm hooked on this new philosophy of life forever. Finally, after 6 wonderful weeks, we graduated: We all thought we were going to get some hokey certificate after our last yoga class, clap, and be done with it. In our last session, the teachers all sat at the front of the yoga hall and talked about how much they loved teaching our group. Well that started the tsunami of emotions. They even cried. They passed around a pillow to each person and everyone got to talk about what they got out of the experience. I have never cried so much in my entire life. Everyone here came for a certain reason, and most of us are leaving with an experience that we will never forget for the rest of our lives - Julia Roberts, August 12, 2011 11:50 PM - http://ryp-starlim.blogspot.in/p/testimonials_21.html

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