Kenny Gamble | Stalking & Terrorism | Snitch On Someone Online
Kenny Gamble - Stalking & Terrorism

This guy is a hypocrite , racist , elitist jerk. He blames white Americans for the sexual deviancy of a rape culture of hidden abuse within his Islamic racist enclaves in Philadelphia. This guy will target your family if you report his organization : Universal Companies for hiding the sexual assault of a child. Not only do they hide the crime they include wide eyed innocent white teachers in a crime. The high school educated jerk invades school teachers privacy and makes you part of the crime by having his “ racist" organization control and haunt your life. He will literally join with terrorists to try and eradicate the truth of his crime against his own people. His people stalk, harass, intimidate and threaten prior employees. He is a liar and hid a crime to get funding for his newly established school. We are tired of being targeted by Gambles racism and sexist misogynistic views of women. Real rock stars never hide rape. We are your ghost Gamble and we are going to haunt you into oblivion. The truth is coming out. We do not want you terrorizing the world and inflicting your Islamic agenda upon us. We don't want to see you in Brooklyn NY with your terrorist connected Brooklyn based Islamic mosque leader's son, who is an Alabama terrorist camp murderer. Jesus never harms children. We don't want you near us on our days off! We don't want your racism at our jobs! Your school should be shut down and the FBI watch your as* for alignment with terrorists. You have friends who hide death just as you hide rape.

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4 years ago person

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