daniel rider - Confidential informant for ssent team, coward, judas, snitch, rat, cop lover

this low life got pinched and now he does small buys for the ssent team, headed by the michigan state police. these buys he does are from good people who are addicts and not even dealers. these are people he knows. one guy he betrayed was a friend to him for 35 years. these betrayals portray his victims as dangerous community wrecking drug dealers, when the fact of the matter is that these targets are just addicts who are in general, decent people who the community does not have any problems with. good people are now facing serious prison time for delivery of a controlled substance to a whiner p.o.s. who cant take responsibility for his own actions. his victims do not even solicit him. he contacts them whining like a bit** how he needs a pick me up for the day. 

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