Elaine Lainey Geesey - She is a CI who is a prostitute and drug mule. She sexually exploits ppl.

ELAINE GEESEY, aka Lainey has been a known prostitute and drug mule in the Lebanon ,Pa area since her teenage years. She has been groomed, sexually assaulted, and taken advantage of for yrs. She is a slight bit "slow" being born addicted to Crack cocaine. She learned at a young age, she can use her vagina to manipulate men,(women?) Into getting any type of gain. I write this bc I was a victim, with first hand experience, to her "game" she plays. SHE  has no boundaries or morals. ANYWHERE,ANYONE, ANYWAY, ANYHOW. She will sleep with you for a meal, a shower, a place to sleep, a gift, $, even approval or a compliment. SHE is 19 yo with, it's gotta be 200+ body count. She never requires a condom. She is an easy rebound or lay. She will digdeep in your pocket, if you allow her to.

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