CartoonsByIrfan | Cartoons | Snitch On Someone Online
CartoonsByIrfan - Cartoons
15 years ago
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Cartoon & Caricatures & Irfan Khan Cartoon & Caricatures which complete the name Irfan Khan are today in much vogue as people all over the world are now astonished at his skill in cartooning. Go watch them now @ Cartoons – loved by all the ages are not mere disfigured sketches in black & white, but rather are more alive than the most of the living groups. Cartoons – have got the power to speak truth in the most humble way! Cartoons – don't fear to be like or disliked, they are very honest in their manner and they mirror the real complex life in simple and plain manner. Political cartoons are the ones seen mostly in everyday newspapers: They convey such important messages yet appear to be funny all the time. How simple are they! Wonderful, isn't it? Well, Irfan is not one such who would restrict himself to a single category – He's put himself into almost everything: Ask for children's funny stripes, for terrific terrorist stuff or for political cartoons – he has it all. Few of his most famous works include: Political Cartoons Terrorism Cartoons Environment Cartoons Daily Delhi Cartoons Children Strips Gags Caricatures etc., Go check them out, Now!

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